S etting- when
and where it is set.
T hemes- mood
and what the film is about.
I conography-
props or visual elements.
N arrative- what
the story is about.
C haracters- key
characters shown.
S tyle-
cinematography, sound, font, editing.
of Title Sequences
A title sequence
is the method by which cinematic films or television programs present their
title, key production and cast members, or both, utilising conceptual visuals
and sound.
Why do
you have a Title Sequence?
To give you an
insight on the film and keep you watching. First impressions are everything so
having an effective title sequence will keep the audience watching.
-the films title
(different typography)
-introduction to
character or type
-indication of
-indication of
historical period
regarding mood & tone
to signature soundtrack
about genre
-questions to
the viewer that they find intriguing (sets up enigma)
-patterns of
editing that will be echoed in the remainder of the film
-mise en scene
and cinematography
Add in the STINCS for the crime genre